Calle Santo Tomas, 4
31172 Ollo (Navarra)
Latitude: 42.8666313 Length: -1.8586696
In case of using GPS we advise to enter the latitude and longitude indicated below.
From San Sebastián, Vitoria, Bilbao and Madrid: enter the town of Irurzun and turn right towards Astrain. Go through Erroz and reach Anotz. Direction Arteta Goñi and before reaching Arteta turn right towards Ollo.
From Pamplona, Zaragoza and Barcelona: Exit 92 on the A15 towards Arazuri Ororbia. Direction Asiain Anotz Direction Arteta Goñi and before reaching Arteta turn right towards Ollo.
From Logroño: A-12 towards Pamplona Exit 14 towards Astrain, Legarda. Pass the port of Perdón on the old road and take direction Astrain-Asiain-Anotz-Direction Arteta Goñi and before reaching Arteta turn right towards Ollo
Enter in the following field your LOCALITY or ZIP CODE starting to learn the route to follow.